Tenue correcte exigée, quand le vêtement fait scandale

December 1, 2016 to April 23, 2017
At Musée des Arts Décoratifs
Tenue correcte exigée, quand le vêtement fait scandale

Each era, each season is marked by distinct fashion trends, be it in the street, at work or at play. Everything we wear is marked by the written or unwritten rules of these trends. And of course, these rules are meant to be broken. ‘Tenue correcte exigée, quand le vêtement fait scandale’ on view at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris from 1 December 2016 to 23 April 2017, revisits the fashion scandals that eventually ended up being the turning points in fashion history from the 14th century to present.

Robe volante, trousers for women, skirts for men, female tuxedos, miniskirts, baggy jeans… all challenged the prevailing vestimentary norms and were wildly criticised, even banned when they first appeared on the fashion runway or in the streets. Either too short or too long, too tight or too loose, too immodest or too covered, too feminine or too masculine – they all challenged the established order. Featuring more than 400 garments and accessories, portraits, caricatures and objects, this scandalously original exhibition explores the liberties taken with dress codes and how they defied prevailing moralities.

Musée des Arts Décoratifs

107 rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris